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by Dr Rick Parker & Karen Kenny

The entire book and all the PowerPoint presentations are available to download or you can choose to download individual chapters of the book and the associated PowerPoint presentation. When considering individual chapters to download check out the Table of Contents.

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Table of Contents


Image Product Price
Introduction to Animal Science - Book $25.00 each
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Introduction to Animal Science - PowerPoint Presentations $15.00 each
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Chapter 1 - Animal Domestication $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 2 - Nomenclature $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 3 - Species $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 4 - Animal Protein $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 5 - Meats $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 6 - Hormones and Meat Production $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 7 - Milk and Eggs $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 8 - Wool $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 9 - Animal Cells $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 10 - Cell Functions and Types $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 11 - Mitosis and Meiosis $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 12 - Introduction to Anatomy/Physiology $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 13 - Comparative Anatomy $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 14 - External Anatomy of Farm Animals $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 15 - Skeletal System $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 16 - Digestive System $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 17 - Hormone Function $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 18 - Hormone Control $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 19 - Reproductive Systems $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 20 - Fertilization $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 21 - Conception, Gestation and Parturition $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 22 - Inheritance $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 23 - Interaction of Dominant and Recessive Genes $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 24 - Understanding Genotype and Phenotype $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 25 - Selection $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 26 - Mutation $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 27 - Digestion and Absorption $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 28 - Nutrient Needs $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 29 - Protein Needs $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 30 - Carbohydrates and Fats $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 31 - Vitamins and Minerals $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 31 - Vitamins and Minerals $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 32 - Feed Composition $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 33 - Feed Preparation $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 34 - Feed Additives $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 35 - Computing Balanced and Least Cost Rations $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 36 - Lactation $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 37 - Factors Affecting Animal Health $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 38 - Animal Health Evaluation $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 39 - Responsibility for Animal Health $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 40 - Disease Causing Agents $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 41 - Development and Types of Immunity $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 42 - Vaccination and Administration of Biologic Agents $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 43 - Beef Cattle Industry $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 44 - Dairy Cattle Industry $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 45 - Swine Production Industry $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 46 - Sheep $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 47 - Goats $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 48 - Horses $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 49 - Poultry $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 50 - Aquaculture $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 51 - Companion Animals $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 52 - Animal Behavior $3.00 each Choose options
Chapter 53 - Issues in Animal Science $3.00 each Choose options
Introduction to Animal Science - Appendix Free
Introduction to Animal Science - Glossary Free

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