Chapter 51 - Companion Animals: Chapter
$3.00 each
- Place of Pet and Companion Species in U.S.
- Who Owns Pets?
- How Companion Animals Connect to Agriculture
- Pet and Companion Animals Defined
- Historical Perspective of Dogs and Cats
- Genetics and Breeding ProgramS
- Development of Breeds
- Breeds of Dogs
- Breeds of Cats
- Reproductive Characteristics of Various Pets/Small Animals
- Nutrition of the Pet Species
- Trends in Veterinary Expenditures
Chapter 51 - Companion Animals: PowerPoint Presentation
$1.00 each
- Place of Pet and Companion Species in U.S.
- Who Owns Pets?
- How Companion Animals Connect to Agriculture
- Pet and Companion Animals Defined
- Historical Perspective of Dogs and Cats
- Genetics and Breeding ProgramS
- Development of Breeds
- Breeds of Dogs
- Breeds of Cats
- Reproductive Characteristics of Various Pets/Small Animals
- Nutrition of the Pet Species
- Trends in Veterinary Expenditures